How to maintain table fan?

During the late years, various fans were mostly replaced by air conditioning but now days they are making come back because they are cheap, convenient and have a nice design as compare to air conditioning system. A table fan can make your house look classy and they are some of the first details that are noticed once you get the room because there are many people might say that fans for tables are rather classic than stylish. They are starting to be sold again because they are convenient, small, and portable, they can be placed anywhere in home. Here is some easy guide to maintain your table fan.

  • To avoid any electrocution, unplug the table fan from the electrical outlet and switch off the electrical sources.
  • You need to ensure that air circulates into the motor, using the handheld vacuum and vacuum the vents located inside the motor housing at the back of the fan.
  • Before you do so remove the fan grill and check the model of the fan. Best to do is to get a screwdriver on hand, if it is one where they screw to assemble the grill. You just need to unclip these brackets and the grills are just kept in place using movable brackets.
  • Before you proceed to clean the fan blades, soak the grill in a tub of warm soapy water to remove accumulated dust. You can also choose to clean the blades while it is still attached to the fan body or you can unscrew to remove it from the body. After this wipe the blades gently and taking care to remove all dust and grime. Now leave the blades and the grill to dry completely.
  • You can wipe the external parts of your fan. Use the lint free cloth to wipe down any excess dust from the base of your table fan and its surrounding areas while waiting for the blades and grill to dry but be careful to not let any water drip into the electrical components of the fan.
  • Reassemble the table fan parts but make sure that you screw and blades back on tightly, once the blades and the grill have dried completely.
  • You can do this simple cleaning and maintaining procedure at least once a month for your home appliances and you have to maintain regularly. Blow the blades using the handheld vacuum or a compressed can of air on a weekly basis but keep off excess dust and grime.

These some simple steps to clean and maintain your table fan or any other home appliance can guarantee you a satisfying experience as well as avoiding any unwanted repair costs.
